My name is Elton Minetto

I'm a software developer, teacher, speaker and writer

Using test helpers in Go

Recently, in a code review, the great Cassio Botaro gave me a handy tip: refactor some tests to use the test helpers feature from the testing package.

Load testing using k6

In the previous post, we saw that there are different types of load tests and what their objectives and characteristics are.

Load Test Types

When we talk about “load testing,” perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is “sending traffic to the application until it cries.

Writing tests for a Kubernetes Operator

In the last post, we saw how to create a Kubernetes operator using operator-sdk. As that text was quite long, I decided to write this second post to focus on the application’s testing part.

GDE in Go

I came across an exciting project called Google Developer Experts. According to the official website, this is a group of “experienced Google technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders.